Madrid 5 Day City guide – Daytrip to Toledo

Explore Toledo through the eyes of Saul Schwartz, an American traveller discovering the top attractions around Spain’s capital.

Wondering what are the must-visit sites around Madrid?

In this article, Saul finds out if Toledo is worth dedicating an entire day of your travel itinerary and recommends taking a free walking tour to uncover the hidden gems of this World Heritage Site.

Madrid 5 Day City guide

Follow in the footsteps of America-based Saul Schwartz as he learns what the capital of Spain has to offer in October.

What is most important to visit in Madrid? From free walking tours to discovering the most famous museums, Saul suggests an exhaustive itinerary of Madrid’s best attractions.

Whether you want to dig deeper into the historic heart of Madrid, or are game for exploring the fascinating area around it, here are some great tips on what not to miss.

Free Museums of Madrid

What city is best to visit when it comes to museums? In our humble opinion, it’s Madrid.

The city is absolutely abundant with art museums, science museums and historical museums. Which museums are the best and which are free? In Madrid, they’re both!

We’ve compiled a list of the 10 best museums in the capital of Spain, that offer free entrance in certain timeslots. Because we both know you’d rather spend the money on a sumptuous dinner, right?

Rioja is more than wine

La Rioja – Wine and So Much More

If you go to La Rioja region of Northern Spain for the wine, you certainly won’t be disappointed. If you go for the food that’s terrific also, but there is so much more to La Rioja, including charming medieval villages, cathedrals, castles and dolmens.

Follow Jerry Olivas and his wife as they discover the many attractions of the region.

Camino de Santiago – It’s all about the journey. Part III

Arriving at one’s destination can be a bittersweet experience. Especially when on a pilgrimage or a hiking trail, where the journey is more important than the destination. But then again, every journey must come to an end for a new one to begin.

Ava Kabouchy finishes her Camino de Santiago, not in a cathedral but on a beach; at the End of the World in Spain.

Camino de Santiago – It’s all about the journey. Part II

Walking Spain’s most famous pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela is not only about overcoming physical and mental struggles, it’s also a chance to come intimately close to an everchanging landscape. The 780 kilometre route gives you a time and chance to enjoy Spain’s landscape, culture and history at first hand.

Continuing her hike on the Camino de Santiago, Ava Kabouchy encounters both pals and pests. She becomes a tramposa, and finds out what a trail husband is..

Camino de Santiago – It’s all about the journey. Part I

There’s perhaps no pilgrim trail more famous than the Camino de Santiago, the Way of St James in the north of Spain. Hundreds of thousands of people hike it every year. Still, every pilgrimage is unique.

Follow Ava Kabouchy on her journey to Santiago de Compostela and learn how she found blisters, angels and new friends along the way.