Free Museums of Madrid

What city is best to visit when it comes to museums? In our humble opinion, it’s Madrid.

The city is absolutely abundant with art museums, science museums and historical museums. Which museums are the best and which are free? In Madrid, they’re both!

We’ve compiled a list of the 10 best museums in the capital of Spain, that offer free entrance in certain timeslots. Because we both know you’d rather spend the money on a sumptuous dinner, right?

Top12 Free Things To Do in Edinburgh

Edinburgh is a wonderful city to explore if you’re an architecture buff, pub crawler, Harry Potter fan, history nerd or art lover. It’s filled with Victorian splendour and medieval gloom, a young crowd (among many tourists, we may add), green gardens and lots of atmosphere. It’s said to be the city in the world with…

Rome – Luxury vs Budget

By Lara Sierra Tutte le strade portano a Roma, but you have endless choices once you get there. Regardless of your budget, there is something for everyone in this enigmatic city of secrets. Read on to discover how to make your budget work its hardest for an unforgettable trip. If you were to choose one…