Free Museums of Madrid

What city is best to visit when it comes to museums? In our humble opinion, it’s Madrid.

The city is absolutely abundant with art museums, science museums and historical museums. Which museums are the best and which are free? In Madrid, they’re both!

We’ve compiled a list of the 10 best museums in the capital of Spain, that offer free entrance in certain timeslots. Because we both know you’d rather spend the money on a sumptuous dinner, right?

Four Fab Libraries in Sicily

Benedictine and Jesuit fathers were the founders of the libraries we appreciate today in Sicily. Carefully, they amassed historic manuscripts, numismatic collections and texts pertaining the history of Sicily through centuries, and when they were kicked to the curb, their bibliographical heritage remained.

The most beautiful libraries are located in their Renaissance or Baroque cradles: in ornate abbeys, monastic schools and Baroque churches.
And one right in the street!

The Most Beautiful Libraries of Rome

Rome is filled to the brink with awesome architecture and amazing art that you can stroll around and enjoy for free. But if you find the churches too crowded, the museums too overwhelming and the urban city too loud, perhaps you just need the meditative silence of a beautiful old library. These antique rooms are…

The Most Beautiful Libraries of Tuscany

What a cathedral is for the religious, so is the library for the cultivated. A place where you can find peace, quiet and insights into earthly and otherworldly questions. The accumulated knowledge of millions of people through thousands of years are lined on the bookshelves, ready to enlighten you on whatever subject you pick down…